A welcome visitor to our garden - a Hedgehog

I have been feeding our hedgehog for quite a few months and I have seen the one below join him from time to time. (That is, we had 2 hedgehogs feeding). I have put a feeding bowl in our back garden for our new addition. So we now have a front garden feeding place and a back garden feeding place. For help the inhabitants of Alsager to locate hedgehogs in our area, I live on Station road. This hedgehog was found in the garden next door. With the agreement of my neighbour we have moved him / her to our garden away from her dog. I hope it will be able to find a place to live in all the shaded places we have. For those who are wondering, it is cat biscuits (not fish) and clean water that I'm feeding them on. I took this advice from the hedgehog stand at SHREWSBURY flower show. If anyone has better information, please let me know (via the contact me page).
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