Covid Jab and Arthritis flare ups
I am extremely pleased to have received my first jab (astra Zeneca) yesterday at our local pharmacy. It was very well organised and seemed very safe. The staff’s quick delivery meant there were no people queuing or waiting around, inside or out.
I read the leaflets and was ready for mild flu symptoms and an aching arm (jabbed in my left). However, I was not mentally prepared for what was about to happen. (The purpose of this article is to help other Arthritis sufferers).
So, for the rest of yesterday I took it easy, reading and relaxing. All I had a this point was an aching arm.
As usual bedtime was between 11 and 12.
Then, I awoke at 1am in agony. I could not move my right leg. I was lying in bed unable to move for the severe pain I felt in my right hip and leg. After a lot of shouting in pain etc I managed to go to the toilet upstairs (a small staircase and one step involved in this journey. I could not move to get back to the bedroom.
My wife decided at this point that a call to the emergency services was needed. An Ambulance, paramedic and Army helper arrived. They decided to try to solve the problem with painkillers - stronger than the Ibuprofen taken so far. So, imagine my surprise when gas and air then morphine was administered. Aline was inserted into a vein in my hand and IV Paracetemol administered. All to no effect.
So a carry chair was brought I was carreid downstairs to the ambulance and taken to A & E at our local hospital. I arrived at 4am. A quick assessment was done I was put on a hopsital bed and taken to a bay. temperature and blood pressure checked several times and 2 codeine tablets offered, which I took. At 9:30am it was decided that I needed more IV Paracetemol and this time wait 30 minutes for the pain killing to take effect. I was able to walk a short distance - so was made ready to leave. I was collected by my wife and taken home. I immediately phoned my GP to try to understand what had caused such severe pain. But no appointments - phone back 8am Monday- which I will do.
The Doctor in A & E said the pain in my hip and leg was caused by arthritis and as last night was very cold - it caused there to be more pian than usual.
I wasn’t convinced - but will check with my GP.
So, it is just a coincidence that I had a Covid jab at 9:40 am then have a severe arthritis flare up later that day / early next morning?
So I had a look around the internet.
(with thanks to
It seems that respiratory virus infection suppress the immune systema and can lead to flare ups.
So, had i known this beforehand, what would I do differently? Carry the strongest painkiller that I have in the house with me and have it by the bedside.
I now know that Codeine works for me but can only be got by prescription. I will be requesting more before my second jab!
I know of another person who has arthritis but was not affected in the way that I was. It is something I think could be investigated and trials done.
I would like to thank all the people who helped me yesrday and today. Melissa who gave my first Jab. Chris and Josh the paramedic and army helper. Nigel, Mary and the other nurses in A&E and the doctor of course. Everyone was very professional, helpful and caring.
Two websites useful for arthritis: creaky and versus Both are dedicated to helping me and others live with arthritis and they give advice and exercises and other resources to help.
If you have a similar experience to me, please let me know by sending a message on the contact page. Thank you. Equally, if you have a different experience, please let me know